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Imperial Productions ®
Acanthus Collection
a Classical Revival
Interior Fireplace Mantels
Classical Acanthus StoneMoldTM Mantels
A collection of Classical Styled Mantels denoted by Acanthus Leaves
from the Acanthus Classical Columns. Extensively used in Ancient Greek
and Roman Architecture. Acanthus leaves are present in column capitals and have been adapted to our Fireplace Mantels.
StoneMoldTM Interior Mantels
Corinthian Classical Revival
<= Click to Open Catalog
Width 76" (3 Piece Mantel)
Buy Options
Width 76"(3 Piece Mantel & Filler)
Width 76"
3 Piece Mantel-Filler-Hearth
IPFP003-SM (Custom)
IPFP003-OVB (Custom)
Width 68" x High 53-1/4"
Width 72" x High 53-1/4"
Width 80" x High 53-1/4"
Go Back to Main Fireplace Page
How to Order Products 1-800-399-7585 416-264-6096
* All Prices & specifications in this website subject to change without notice
* Prices are net, Freight, Taxes & Duties charged where applicable otherwise client
is responsible for remittance
* Measurements are approximate only, Final Product may vary from this website
COPYRIGHT MRDCI Martin Richards Design and Contracting Inc, Martin Richards DesignTM
and Imperial Productions® Feb 2018 all rights reserved
Last Update MAR-25